Friday, May 13, 2011

Ron Paul for President?

          Ron Paul, 75 year old professorial obstetrician and republican representative for the 24th congressional district of Texas, announced earlier today his intentions to enter the 2012 presidential race. Interestingly enough, Rasmussen Reports claims he is practically tied for the election with Barack Obama. I am unsure how this came about. Apparently people don't seem to realize how isolationist this republican is. In his post on he presents his 20 year advocacy for American withdrawal from such an auspicious global organization as The United Nations. To quote "We need to stop speaking of UN resolutions and edicts as if they represented legitimate laws or treaties. They do not." 

          Knowing this I am unsure how anyone in their right minds could possibly want such an extremist in office? Do we want someone whose foreign policy is no foreign policies to be our leader? After all wanting America to "not interfere militarily, financially, or covertly in the internal affairs of other nations" sure sounds nice, but really how is the United States government to ensure the safety of its citizens from hostile governments and/or terrorist organization without taking action? Does he intend to say "hey mister could you please put down the gun? I know that you want to kill me and I won’t stop you, but if you don't mind I’m in the middle of talking."

          Whatever the reason this is either another one of those instances demonstrating the average citizens complete lack of political knowledge or an indicator of a surprising and somewhat irrational new policy preference by the American people.